Monday, 19 March 2012

Semester Eight, And Why It's Been So Stinkin' Amazing [So Far]

Today my hamstrings are aching.

Last night, on the way to blog (the meeting for students in my church) I decided to run up the hill that leads to the manse. It was a bad move. Not only did I end up with a very sore throat, today I appear to be in more pain than I am when I go to the gym.

But it turns out that a little bit of pain is worth it.

I go to North Parish Church in Stirling and I adore it. I adore how inspired and encouraged I am by the sermons, by the community, and the beautiful church family I am ever so slowly becoming a part of. I love how the students are such an important part of the church. I'm sad that it's my last semester in Stirling but being able to go to this church is such a blessing.

I spoke to my Mum on the phone yesterday and she told me that I sounded happier than I ever did over the first three years of university. And she's right, I most definitely am. I lived with some amazing people for three years who taught me a lot about myself and the world that I didn't know much of. They allowed me to make my own decisions, my own mistakes, and then watched, without judging, time and time again as I returned to Jesus to ask for forgiveness.

But it wasn't easy. This is no comment on the people I lived with, like I said, they were great, but it's different to live with people who share your beliefs, who I can come home and talk to about Jesus and how amazing He is, or ask for prayer. I'm so comfortable this year, and I think that's okay for once. The whole of this year hasn't been so easy, last semester had plenty of its own trials, but Jesus brought me through them and has taught me so much.

I'm so glad to be living the way I am this semester. I'm healthy, happy, and in love with my Jesus. I don't drink anymore because I simply don't care for it. I go to 3:11 (Bible Study) and CU every week and I'm going to try and make it to church every week from now on.

I was reading Acts this morning (inspired by church last night) and I realised how grateful I am for fellowship. Without even trying, the people around me are such a great influence and encouragement to me.

So, friends, I hope that, when I write a soppy blog post in June about university ending, I can say even more wondeful things about these people. Praise Jesus!

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